Learning MORE French food words with flashcards (+ another FREE resource!)

Home » Tips for parents » Learning MORE French food words with flashcards (+ another FREE resource!)

Did you enjoy our last vocabulary flashcard game with your little French learner? (Here’s a link to it if you missed it: ) For the month of March, which is almost nutrition month, we’ve included another great game you can play with our vocabulary words and images to get your child or students’ brains working to learn these food words. We’ve included another batch of adorable French food flashcards you can easily download and print for FREE to try it out!

Play a roleplaying game!

With flashcards, Madame Alexa?! Yes! They make for a great visual support so that if your child can’t fully remember the words, they can always pull them up and use them as a refresher!

  1. Download, print and cut our list of French food flashcards at the end of this blog post.
  2. Review them quickly with your child as a quick reminder.
  3. Play the grocery store role play game! You can take turns acting as customer and cashier and have a conversation about what you’re including in your grocery cart this week and what you plan on cooking with them!
  4. Some great sentence starters to help you and your little French learner start the conversation:
  • Quelle nourriture est-ce que tu achètes aujourd’hui? (What food are you buying today?)
  • J’achète… (I’m buying…)
  • Qu’est-ce que tu vas cuisiner avec…? (What will you cook with…?)
  • Je vais cuisiner… (I’m going to cook…)
  • Est-ce que tu aimes manger…? (Do you like to eat…?)

Try it out with these vocabulary flashcards and add more to them as you learn new food words in French!:

More free French resources for tutoring and parents:

Ready for more French food vocabulary to add to the game? Check out these other FREE resources:

Want a more interactive way to work this vocabulary? Try our interactive activities included in our online program: www.madameas.com/courses

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